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Does Your Insurance Cover Plumbing Damage?

August 18, 2022

Home and contents insurance is one of those things you keep on hand and hope you never have to use. In reality, many of us do need to deal with insurance claims, sometimes relating to plumbing troubles and water damage. Many of our clients ask us if their insurance covers plumbing damage, and the truth is there's no easy answer. Every provider will have different offerings and inclusions within their policies. There are, however, some circumstances which are - and aren't - covered by home insurance.

What Does Insurance Cover?

Home and contents insurance covers a range of plumbing damages, including:

  • Dwelling coverage: If a burst pipe damages your home, if part of your home's structure needs to be removed due to damage, or if you have a faulty built-in appliance such as a heating system, these come under dwelling coverage.
  • Personal property coverage: If a burst pipe has ruined your clothing or items, your policy will cover the cost of this damage. If you've had damage to luxury items, such as jewellery, you may only be covered up to $1,000 or $2,000 unless you apply for an optional rider to your policy.
  • Additional coverage/loss of use coverage: After you receive compensation for a loss, your insurer can also cover the bills and expenses you've incurred if your home becomes unliveable due to plumbing damage.
  • Other structural coverage: If your plumbing issue causes damage to your garage or detached building, your policy will pay for damages up to a limit.

What Isn't Covered By Insurance?

Plumbing systems and appliances do run into minor issues from time to time. If you do have a minor leak, it's important you arrange plumbing assistance to resolve the problem. If you ignore or neglect a repair and it ends up damaging your property, you most likely won't be covered by your insurance policy. Here are a few things that insurers don't cover. 

  • Leaks: While an insurer might cover the cost of locating a leak and repairing the damage it causes, they usually won't cover the cost of repairing the problem pipe
  • Regular maintenance: If damage is the result of neglect or failure to meet a regular maintenance schedule, it's likely your insurer won't cover the costs. 
  • Gradual water damage: If you have a leaky shower recess or base, or a wet area whose seals or membranes just haven't been well-maintained, your insurer usually won't cover these damages. If however, the leak occurs within your walls or under your home, your policy may cover the damage if they conclude you couldn't have known the leak was there in the first place.
  • Structural damage: If gradual water damage leads to problems with your home's structure, these damages likely won't be covered by your insurer.
  • Tree root damage: Damage caused to your pipes by tree roots is unlikely to be covered by an insurance policy. 
  • Waterproof membranes: If you haven't maintained the waterproof membrane in your walls or basement, your provider usually won't cover the cost of repairing the damage. It's therefore important to arrange routine checks of any waterproofed area and inspect any damp spots as soon as they're identified. 
  • Roof damage: If your roof damage could have been prevented through maintenance work, your insurer is unlikely to cover costs. Regular roof checks, particularly after a storm or extreme weather, can prevent you from running into issues down the line.

Insurance Claim

When you've experienced plumbing damage and want to make a claim, there are important steps you need to follow to ensure your claim is processed successfully and efficiently.

  • Control the damage: It's important your insurer assesses the situation as it stands, so control rather than repair any damage. This might mean turning off your water or electricity to prevent further damage from a water leak.
  • Collect evidence: Take as many photos or videos of your water leak and damaged areas as you can, and survey the surrounding area for any evidence that might support your claim. The more proof you have, the more likely your claim will be successful.
  • Call your insurer: Contact your insurance company once you've detected a problem. 
  • Seek help: Call a plumber to arrange an inspection and provide a report you can present to your insurer. This will help substantiate your claim.

Insurance Report

If you have a plumbing problem that is covered by insurance, your plumber can support your claim with an in-depth insurance report. This report will include photos, findings, and quotations on relevant repairs. After the report has been completed, your plumber will perform the necessary temporary or permanent repairs and provide advice on what you can do in the long term. 

Contact Us Today

Resolve your plumbing issues with the professional team at Top to Bottom Plumbing Townsville. We offer quality repairs and maintenance for residential and commercial properties and can provide detailed insurance reports with all the necessary information you need to achieve a successful outcome. Contact us today at (07) 4779 7722.

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