Stainless Electric

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Stainless Steel Hot Water System Townsville

  • 10+ Years of Industry Experience
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  • Residential, Commercial & Multi-Unit Plumbing
  • Competitive Prices & Comprehensive Solutions
07 4779 7722

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Stainless Hot Water Unit 1 — Plumber in Garbutt, QLD

125 Litre Stainless Steel Hot Water Unit

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Stainless Hot Water Unit 2 — Plumber in Garbutt, QLD

250 Litre Stainless Steel Hot Water Unit

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Stainless Hot Water Unit 3 — Plumber in Garbutt, QLD

315 Litre Stainless Steel Hot Water Unit

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Stainless Steel Hot Water System

Stainless steel hot water systems work in the same way as standard electric hot water systems. The difference is the hot water tank is made from stainless steel, which is much more resistant to corrosion, so there is no need for an anode.
Stainless steel systems are typically more expensive to install than standard
hot water systems, but they are much more durable and resistant to corrosion. This type of system is therefore recommended for larger homes and commercial systems.
While stainless steel is not as good a heat conductor as copper, modern insulation materials can limit heat loss to such an extent that the two systems are comparable. This means stainless steel water heaters are no more expensive to run than copper.
But the biggest advantage of stainless steel hot water systems is their increased durability. A typical stainless steel system has a lifespan of 25+ years, while
standard electric heaters typically only last around 10-15 years.
Stainless steel systems also don’t require an anode, which reduces annual maintenance costs. The installation of stainless steel heaters is more expensive, however, so they only make financial sense for large detached homes and commercial systems.

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Top to Bottom Plumbing supplies and installs a range of stainless steel hot water systems. Get in touch to arrange a FREE quote for your home or business.


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